Patent Plaster
Structurputz - Long-lasting decorative plaster with a cinnamon structure (pronounced grooves) based on an artificial resin dispersion (acrylate). Weatherproof, breathable, shockproof and durable, easy to apply. Has a high degree of adhesion. Supplied in white. Quartz plasters can be applied (used) both in white (color) and tinted (colored in volume) form. Tinting can be done either manually or on an SPS toning machine using universal concentrated dyes. When using tinted plaster, Plaster Primer should be tinted in the same color as the plaster.
Grain Рlaster
Spachtelput is a durable decorative plaster mass with a regular crumb-like structure based on an artificial resin dispersion (acrylic resins). Weatherproof, breathable, shockproof, easy to apply. Has a high degree of adhesion. Supplied in white. Quartz plasters can be applied (applied) both in white (color) and tinted (colored in volume) form. Tinting can be done either manually or on an SPS tinting machine using universal concentrated dyes.
Rustik Plaster
Rusticputz is a long-lasting decorative plaster with a quiet crumb-like structure and fine grooves based on an artificial resin dispersion (acrylic resins). Weatherproof, breathable, shockproof, easy to apply. Has a high degree of adhesion. Supplied in white. Quartz plasters can be applied (applied) both in white (color) and tinted (colored in volume) form. Tinting can be done either manually or on an SPS tinting machine using universal concentrated dyes. When using tinted plaster, Plaster Primer should be tinted in the same color as the plaster.
Model Plaster
Rollputz - Long-lasting decorative plaster with high structural potential based on artificial resin dispersion (acrylic resins). This is a model plaster, using it you can “model the surface”, that is, depending on the application technique, you can get different textures (reliefs). Allows you to work in the Marseilles wax technique and form different textures - stone, skin, wood, fabric. Weatherproof, breathable, shockproof, extremely flexible when applied. Has a high degree of adhesion. Supplied in white. Rollputz (Modell Plaster) can be applied (applied) both in white (color) and tinted (colored in volume) form. Tinting can be done either manually or on an SPS tinting machine using universal concentrated dyes.